
Excerpt from VBCC Standing Rules (2024):

(2) Fees for visitors are $10 per day or as follows:

(a) For up to a month, $26 per week or part week to a maximum of $65.
(b) For a month or more, $65 per month or part month up to a maximum of $260.
(c) If the visitor is a member in good standing of a club affiliated with any bowls or croquet association, there is no charge for 3 games in any year, and to join in additional games the fees provided for above shall apply.

(3) With the consent of a member of the Club organizing play, visitors may join in regular bowling or croquet.

(4) The member consenting to a visitor joining play or some other person in authority at the Club is responsible for collecting any visitor fees due, placing them in an appropriately labeled envelope, and depositing them in the treasurer’s locker or other appropriate location.

(5) Despite the preceding subsections, members may invite friends or family members to the Club to try out bowls or croquet, subject to any limitations that may be set by the Executive Committee. The members doing so are responsible for the actions of their invitees while they are on Club premises.

lawn bowling, croquet, social