1st place – Don Allan, Susan Schiphorst, Lindsey Affleck, Gopal Gowda2nd place – Norma Alison, Paula Parkinson, Joey Schiphorst, Richard Coulter
BSI Novice Women’s Singles
After five games, Susan Schiphorst held 2nd place in A Division, moving on to compete with the 2nd place winner in Division B. Susan won her playoff game by a wide margin, placing 3rd overall. Congratulations Susan!
Knut Berg Charities Award
Winners – John Wigle and Chris Jones
Totem Scotch Pairs
Each team below won all 3 games, placement decided by differential.
1st – Shaun Peck and John Bidgood
2nd – Libby Weiser & Nick Bantock3rd – Susan and Joe Schiphorst
BSI Andy Stewart Open Australian Pairs
1st place (32 teams)- Don Allan (VBCC) and Aaron Almeida
VBCC member Nancy Fraser (R) and Brenda Janke (L), winners of BSI Lynn McElroy tournament
Joan Turner Mixed Triples
1st place–Portia Priegert, Nancy Fraser (skip) and Theo Brand
2nd (left)-Sandy Hodel, Randy Small (skip) and Kim Tadei 3rd (right)-Keith Newhouse (skip), Barb Marriott and Joey Schiphorst
QUALICUM INDOOR BOWLING. March 16/17. Victoria team Gopala Gowda, Brent Jansen (VBCC) and Dennis Verge (Gordon Head) won the Pat and Gavin Reid Memorial Cup, the final tournament of the indoor season. Twelve teams (2 groups) played 5 triples games each over two days. The Victoria team came out undefeated. Contributed by Gopala Gowda
With the fluid situation on the greens please consider the information on this popup accurate, instead of following the daily calendar.
From March 1st until further notice:
12:00 (Set-up/Croquet) and a 12:30-4:30 time period for playing both Bowls (Crown Greens) and Croquet.
Bowls (Crown) will be on the Upper Green
Croquet will be on theLower Green and please “NO Jump shots” for the time being.