Membership Application Form

Membership Application

  • YYYY slash MM slash DD
  • Most club information is sent by email. Please include your email address unless you do not have one.
  • Which sport or activity are you interested in? Please check one.
  • Effective 2025, a one year membership is valid from April 15 – April 14. Bowls BC dues are included in the membership fee. Social membership runs from November 15th to November 14.
  • Payment can be made by Interact e-transfer (to complete the transaction, use email:, cheque or cash. Cheque/cash can be delivered to the club: Victoria Lawn Bowling Club, 160 Nursery Road (off Cook Street/Park Blvd), Victoria BC.
  • The Victoria Lawn Bowling Club runs a variety of interest groups. Social Members can also participate in any or all of these activities as well as other social events during the year. If you are interested in any of the following, please check.
  • Your name, phone number, and email will appear in our Club Roster and Bowls South Island Roster. Also, your photo may appear on the website. Please indicate your choice of permissions below:
  • The club is operated mostly by volunteer efforts. All members are encouraged to become involved in a committee or volunteer in any way possible. Please indicate any area that would interest you.
  • Required by Bowls BC. Please check one:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

lawn bowling, croquet, social