Information for Members

Please familiarize yourselves with our Governance Documents, in particular the Standing Rules and Code of Conduct.


We cannot emphasize enough the need for members to volunteer in order to keep our club running and help make it a dynamic place to be. See, for example, our recognition of Volunteers in 2022

Rentals bring in much of the club’s revenue. Each rental requires setup/take-down and introductory coaching. Depending on numbers, a rental requires 4 to 10 volunteers per event. Signup sheet on hallway notice board.

Greens maintenance – Although we have the guidance and assistance of a professional greens consultant, all of the greens maintenance, trimming and cutting of verges is done by club volunteers. This includes mowing and rolling greens several times a week and keeping ditches clear. Contact Chris Jones.

Grounds -Did you know that all our beautiful flowers and border arrangements are tenderly watered, trimmed and cared for all summer by a garden crew of member volunteers? These beautiful begonias (bulbs) are stored and replanted each spring. Contact Chris Jones.

Kitchen Hospitality – Every event, tea or tournament at the club is made possible by the large number of kitchen volunteers who prepare, serve and cleanup. This entails hours or work and many hands. Members can also donate baked goods. Contact Kathy Moi

Bowling leagues, daily draws and tournaments – All club play is run by member volunteers. Consider being the draw-master, running a tournament or overseeing a league. BSI tournaments require many volunteers (greens setup, take-down, managing, marking). Contact Anita McCaw

Coaching/player development – Each spring, after a volunteer-run Open House, coaches put in many hours teaching new bowlers and croquet players. Take a coaches’ course and introduce others to the sport. Contact Donna Del Torre

These are just a few of the ways that members can contribute to the success of our club. If you can lend an hour or a day, contact a Committee Chair and you will soon find your niche.

Dress Code

Bowling: For the daily draw and league play, any color of clothing may be worn. Club colours (royal blue) and/or white are encouraged on designated days (such as Opening Day) and tournaments but not mandatory. Avoid wearing red in tournaments so as not to be confused with an umpire who is identified by a red shirt or jacket.

Shoes need to be flat soled to protect the greens. They should not be worn on the street in order to prevent plant infections from infecting the greens.


3 ½ hour parking on south side of Park Blvd and in lot off Nursery Rd. next to the club. No parking restrictions in the Nursery Rd. lot on weekends.

Special parking privileges for players and officials during tournaments. Obtain sign from tournament director for placement in your car.

lawn bowling, croquet, social