
An activity that takes you outside, stimulates your mind and provides some exercise?
Is friendly yet competitive?
This is not your backyard game!

Learning Croquet

The best way to learn croquet is by following an organized plan in which each step builds on the last.  The introductory Croquet lessons offered at the Victoria Lawn Bowling Club provide one lesson a week for four weeks, starting with how to use the equipment, working through the rules, and developing skills and strategic understanding.  No previous experience is necessary, but you’ll be pleased by how fast you learn and how much fun you’ll have along the way!

Yes, we’ll make you practice, but we’ll also teach you the most effective and efficient ways to practice, so your skills will develop quickly.  And we’ll give you a week to work on what you’ve learned before you come to class again for the next round of instruction. 

Come join the fun with a friendly group of croqueteers.

Contact:  Pierre Dunn  for lessons

video – Why Play Croquet 

Friendly video on how to play (Australian Club)

One on One friendly coaching video from Napa Valley – makes it look like fun – CBS news report

World Team Championships 2016 random shots (awesome)

Practicing for the Snake in the Grass Tournament

Over the winter, any day that the croquet lawn is not being used for other purposes, members may come in and set up a court for croquet.  On even-numbered days, croquet uses the lower lawn; on odd-numbered days, croquet uses the upper lawn.  If you have any questions about court set-up, please contact one of the experienced players to get assistance.

lawn bowling, croquet, social