Category Archives: Tournament

Snake in the Grass Doubles

September 12, 2020

A sickly sky, a shade of lead

The sun’s faint glow, a pastel of red

The emerald lawns jeweled with dew

Adorned with flags of every hue

Mallets in hand, ready to swing

Players await the bell to ring

Followed by the sounds of smacking

Whacking, hacking and thwacking

A chorus of voices fills the air

Hoots of pleasure, groans of despair

Laughter rises above the fray

Friendly competition wins the day.

A most enjoyable day for croquet. This was our first club tournament this year. Thanks to all those who came out despite the strange and unsettled skies.

Winner of the Advanced Group was the team of Ralph and Rolf who were given a run for their money in the final by the upstarts Gopala and Pierre P.

Rolf Bertsc
Ralph Stree









The Enthusiasts Group was won by Angie and Wendy who beat Mike and Peter G.

Wendy Street
Angela Bertsch









Congratulations to all participants. Hopefully we’ll look forward to more friendly competition this fall.

Also, many thanks to Lorne for his work as Tournament Director as well as his many other contributions to our club.

Submitted by Peter Rassenti – who knew he was our club poet? A man of many talents he is!