Category Archives: Social event

Valentine’s Day 2020

Annie’s Valentine to Members

VLBC members welcomed Spring at this year’s annual (weather permitting) Valentine’s Day event. Cherry blossoms on Cook Street provided a backdrop for the croqueteers on the lower green. On the upper green, rinks were set up for an 8-end game of triples. The number of players practicing before the draw reflected the eagerness of the group to get out in the sunshine to hone their winter-rusted skills.

The hospitality team—Annie, Caroline, Libby and helpers—set out a delectable array of Valentine theme goodies and hot tea for the 25-30 attendees to enjoy while catching up on the news.

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The Executive and Committees have been busy planning for the upcoming season. Although, official opening day is not until May 2nd, impromptu bowling and croquet is ongoing. Come out and enjoy the fun!