Category Archives: Social event

Women’s Interclub Croquet & BBQ

VLBC croquet recently initiated an inter-club ladies pot luck evening.  It’s inaugural meeting was July 18th with 20 participating.  Players came from VicWest, Oak Bay and CP clubs.

To ensure a proper mix-up of different club members, games were drawn with host members playing an “away”team.

The brainchild of VLBC president, Kathy Moi, the intent is to foster inter-club relationships with a view to improving and promoting Croquet and experiencing different levels of play.  Many of the visitors had never been to our club and certainly seemed to enjoy our facilities.

After the games, club member, Peter Gilchrist kindly manned the barbecue to provide delicious burgers to accompany the many tasty side dishes and sweets brought by the attendees.

The weather was perfect, games were played on perfectly groomed lawns and a perfectly jolly time was had by all.  

Posted by Rosemary Verren-Delbridge
Photos courtesy Cathy Korpela and Kathy Moi