Category Archives: Social event

Australian Visitors

Victoria LBC was abuzz on Friday evening when members put out the welcome mat to a contingent of Aussie travelers who’d added an impromptu visit to our club to their itinerary. The group, having just returned to Vancouver from a breathtaking trip on the VIA Rail Rocky Mountaineer, arrived by bus from Nanaimo to spend two days in Victoria.

Brenda and their group leader Gary quickly put together mixed teams to play 8-end games of quads or triples in the lengthening shadows of the warm spring evening. Many comparisons were made: bowl barefoot or with shoes; slow greens v. fast greens; kick the bowls in or use our novelty rake; permanent center lines v. centering the jack. No matter the differences, we were soon all in sync and cheers and laughter filled the air. Spirits weren’t even dampened by the automated sprinklers that sporadically doused some of the players.

After the games, everyone moved inside to quench their thirsts with local brew, munch appetizers and get to know each other a little. One guest brought out her mother’s favorite dessert—a lemon-meringue pie–with 60th birthday candles on top and we all joined in the celebration.

The travelers return to Vancouver on Sunday via ferry through the Gulf Islands to join an Alaskan Cruise.

We wish them Bon Voyage and happy memories of our time spent together.