Category Archives: Social event

Canada Day 2023

A large turnout of members, family and guests gathered to celebrate Canada Day by playing their favorite sport and schmoozing over an afternoon BBQ.

The VLBC greens and clubhouse were filled with a positive vibe and brilliant colour—red and white attire against a bright blue sky, multi-hued bowls and primary-coloured croquet balls sprinkled like candy across green lawns.

While the busy work of meal preparation was going on inside, the rest of the crowd had the privilege of playing croquet on the upper green or a fun game of bowls on the lower green. In competing teams of triples, each bowler had the option of drawing to one of two jacks on either side of the centre line. Those with stray bowls could always claim to having been actually aiming for the one their bowl land nearest to.

The success of the day would not have been possible without the hard work of Annie Boldt and the Kitchen Hospitality crew (Caroline M, Libby W, Sandy H, Yolanda M, Minke B, Michele A, Judy A and Anita), BBQ Chef Peter Gilchrist who stood in the hot sun flipping burgers and Kathy Moi overseeing the bar. Their volunteer output included not only the day of the event but all the shopping and preparation work necessary to feed 64 hungry people.  And then there was that scrumptious carrot cake baked and iced by Annie especially for the occasion, and cut by President Brenda Janke! Thanks to each and every one of you.