Category Archives: League bowling

Men’s Monday League

Men’s Monday morning league, organized by Gopala, concluded after 13 weeks of fun-filled yet competitive 4-bowl-pairs bowling.  Overall 33 men participated with 4 dropping out midway. The remaining 29 dedicated bowlers continued every Monday morning at 10 am, rain or shine.  The popularity of this format at VLBC was evident from the enthusiastic turnout every Monday. In fact many men bowled only in this league! Minimum attendance was 14, maximum attendance 24 and average attendance 20.  

Competition was fierce but friendly and ended without a clear winner. There were 245 games and 122 matches over the weeks resulting in a tie for first place.  Fittingly the top spot was a 4-way tie shared by Keith Newhouse, Bob Husband, Ken Scotten and Gopala Gowda (30 points each). Congratulations to the winners!

The season concluded on September 21 with a pizza/pop party (sadly no fermented beverages!) when 22 bowlers present devoured delicious Cook Street Hot House pizza.

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Special thanks goes to Pierre Pomerleau for rolling the lawns and Gary Badgley/ Keith Newhouse for coming early to lend Gopala a hand with marshaling and set-up duties. It would be remiss not to mention the contribution made by Jo Ann Allan and Anita McCaw for organizing the online registration and marshaling with COVID protocols.

Special Note: The Men’s League and many individuals donated their winnings (close to $240) towards the Club.

(contributed by Gopala Gowda)