Category Archives: croquet

Canada Day 2021

About fifty members of VLBC turned out on Canada Day to enjoy the first large social gathering that COVID has allowed for many months. Although red and white was the overall colour theme, some wore orange to commemorate the indigenous children whose lives ended while attending residential schools. President Kathy Moi called for a moment of silent reflection on this sad reality.

Bowlers occupied the upper green, playing 12-end games of triples and pairs and croqueteers competed on the lower green.  Meanwhile a team of volunteers headed by Annie B. were busy inside preparing side dishes (coleslaw, salad, beans, fried onions and other toppings) to accompany Chef Peter’s BBQ burgers. The food was brought outside and dished up to those of us lucky enough to have enjoyed the afternoon sporting while others worked in the kitchen. Anita and Dilys sold cold drinks. Everyone spread out onto the benches surrounding the green to enjoy the much appreciated meal while they visited.

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As always, a huge thank you goes to all of those who volunteered to make it another memorable Canada Day.