Category Archives: Bowling

VLBClub Tournaments

Eight teams compete in VLBC’s annual Totem Scotch Pairs Tournament

“This was a wonderful day with very competitive bowling.  Congratulations to the trophy and money winners, but congratulations to all the participants. (See winners of this and other tournaments here)

Special mention must be made for Anita and Jo Ann, who would rather be bowling, for staying all day just to look after us and our results. I want all of you to know ( I am sure some of you know) that a lot goes on behind these tournaments, before and after;  planning, organizing, herding the sheep to register, getting photos printed, getting names on the trophy engraved, etc…..etc…  There is cost and labor (sweat).  It is a tradition of the club and we need to keep it going!”

(Contributed by Gopala Gowda, Games Chair)

Yes, we are a club steeped in TRADITION. In each tournament, players compete for a trophy or plaque which may have history going back to the early 1900s. The Totem Pairs is one such tournament.

“Originally, the winners were presented with a pair of authentic miniature totems. The winners could keep one each for a year and then return them for the next year’s winners….The totems were carved in the 1920’s by Charlie James, a carver from Port Townsend, Washington…In 1984 the executive committee decided that due to the value of these totems ($3000 each) plus the need for safe-keeping, restoration etc. they should be donated to the Royal BC Museum who now holds them in their collection.

In place of the totems, a plaque is presented to the winner. The design for the plaque was created by Richard Hunt, a world famous carver, and was commissioned by Peter McNair, Curator of Ethnology at RBCM, for the club. Club member, Sam Fawcett made the plaque.”

See more interesting information on the history of our Club and tournaments here