Victoria Interclub Open Snake Tournament – 16 teams over two days to be played at VBCC on March 23 both greens and Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club.
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
The public is invited to attend our open house, try out bowling and croquet and consider becoming a member. Both of these sports provide excellent exercise and competitive play. Social and winter activities are included in membership, as well as the use of club equipment.
The public is invited to attend our open house, try out bowling and croquet and consider becoming a member. Both of these sports provide excellent exercise and competitive play. Social and winter activities are included in membership, as well as the use of club equipment.
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
Executive and Committee Chairs meeting.
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Wednesday – Open croquet from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Casino Croquet from 1 to 3 pm, Open Croquet 3 to 5 pm.
Casino Croquet: We’ll use playing cards with your names and draw from the pile to make teams. All skill levels, novice and up, are most welcome. After each game we’ll shuffle the deck and redraw.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Tuesdays and Thursdays– Casino draws three x day at 10:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. The 10 am and 12 pm draws will be random, the 1:00 pm draw will include an ADVANCED grouping. The BREAK between the end of the 10:00 am and 12:00 pm draw is for OPEN PLAY.
Casino Croquet: We’ll use playing cards with your names and draw from the pile to make teams. All skill levels, novice and up, are most welcome. After each game we’ll shuffle the deck and redraw.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Monday & Friday– from 11:00 to 4:00 pm, reserved for Association Croquet only. Note: All croquet players may play whatever they wish up to 11 am.
A full size court for Association Croquet, with a separate skinny lawn set up in the morning.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
This is the day we officially kick off the season. Welcome speeches, games and refreshments. An invitation has been extended to City officials to have lunch and resume competition for the Challenge Trophy, an annual event since 2005.
Croquet greens open at 11:00 am. Bowlers tags in no later than 12:30 pm for draw- 8 end game. Refreshments to follow.
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Sunday – Open Croquet from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Check calendar for exceptions (tournaments & special events.
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Check calendar for exceptions (tournaments & special events).
Daily draw. Please have tags in by 1:00 pm, game start 1: 15 pm, or as soon as draw has been done.
On even numbered days of the month, lawn bowling will be on the upper green. On odd numbered days, bowling will be on the lower green. Croquet will be played on the opposite green.
Note calendar for exceptions (tournaments/special events).
Men’s League bowling Monday mornings (check calendar for exceptions). Contact Keith Newhouse for more information on format.
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Monday & Friday– from 11:00 to 4:00 pm, reserved for Association Croquet only. Note: All croquet players may play whatever they wish up to 11 am.
A full size court for Association Croquet, with a separate skinny lawn set up in the morning.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
Daily draw. Please have tags in by 1:00 pm, game start 1: 15 pm, or as soon as draw has been done.
On even numbered days of the month, lawn bowling will be on the upper green. On odd numbered days, bowling will be on the lower green. Croquet will be played on the opposite green.
Note calendar for exceptions (tournaments/special events).
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Tuesdays and Thursdays– Casino draws three x day at 10:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. The 10 am and 12 pm draws will be random, the 1:00 pm draw will include an ADVANCED grouping. The BREAK between the end of the 10:00 am and 12:00 pm draw is for OPEN PLAY.
Casino Croquet: We’ll use playing cards with your names and draw from the pile to make teams. All skill levels, novice and up, are most welcome. After each game we’ll shuffle the deck and redraw.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
Daily draw. Please have tags in by 1:00 pm, game start 1: 15 pm, or as soon as draw has been done.
On even numbered days of the month, lawn bowling will be on the upper green. On odd numbered days, bowling will be on the lower green. Croquet will be played on the opposite green.
Note calendar for exceptions (tournaments/special events).
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Wednesday – Open croquet from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Casino Croquet from 1 to 3 pm, Open Croquet 3 to 5 pm.
Casino Croquet: We’ll use playing cards with your names and draw from the pile to make teams. All skill levels, novice and up, are most welcome. After each game we’ll shuffle the deck and redraw.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
Daily draw. Please have tags in by 1:00 pm, game start 1: 15 pm, or as soon as draw has been done.
On even numbered days of the month, lawn bowling will be on the upper green. On odd numbered days, bowling will be on the lower green. Croquet will be played on the opposite green.
Note calendar for exceptions (tournaments/special events).
Take 3 lessons for $25 (to be applied to membership if you join the club).
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Tuesdays and Thursdays– Casino draws three x day at 10:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. The 10 am and 12 pm draws will be random, the 1:00 pm draw will include an ADVANCED grouping. The BREAK between the end of the 10:00 am and 12:00 pm draw is for OPEN PLAY.
Casino Croquet: We’ll use playing cards with your names and draw from the pile to make teams. All skill levels, novice and up, are most welcome. After each game we’ll shuffle the deck and redraw.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
Daily draw. Please have tags in by 1:00 pm, game start 1: 15 pm, or as soon as draw has been done.
On even numbered days of the month, lawn bowling will be on the upper green. On odd numbered days, bowling will be on the lower green. Croquet will be played on the opposite green.
Note calendar for exceptions (tournaments/special events).
On even numbered dates, croquet will use the lower lawn. On odd numbered dates, croquet will use the upper lawn.
Monday & Friday– from 11:00 to 4:00 pm, reserved for Association Croquet only. Note: All croquet players may play whatever they wish up to 11 am.
A full size court for Association Croquet, with a separate skinny lawn set up in the morning.
Please check calendar for exceptions (tournaments and special events).
Daily draw. Please have tags in by 1:00 pm, game start 1: 15 pm, or as soon as draw has been done.
On even numbered days of the month, lawn bowling will be on the upper green. On odd numbered days, bowling will be on the lower green. Croquet will be played on the opposite green.
Note calendar for exceptions (tournaments/special events).