The public is invited to attend our open house, try out bowling and croquet and consider becoming a member. Both of these sports provide excellent exercise and competitive play. Social and winter activities are included in membership, as well as the use of club equipment.
The public is invited to attend our open house, try out bowling and croquet and consider becoming a member. Both of these sports provide excellent exercise and competitive play. Social and winter activities are included in membership, as well as the use of club equipment.
This is the day we officially kick off the season. Welcome speeches, games and refreshments. An invitation has been extended to City officials to have lunch and resume competition for the Challenge Trophy, an annual event since 2005.
Croquet greens open at 11:00 am. Bowlers tags in no later than 12:30 pm for draw- 8 end game. Refreshments to follow.
Members and guests are invited to join in fun and festivities on Canada Day. Wear red and white. Assorted games (bowl and croquet) at 1:30 pm. BBQ to follow (estimated time 4 pm).
Sign up sheet at the clubhouse for BBQ/salads and dessert, cost $15. Contact Kathy Moi-Barker, Social/KH.
[caption id="attachment_4315" align="alignnone" width="300"] BBQ fixings[/caption]
Members and guests are invited to join in fun and festivities on BC Day. Arrive 1:30 pm, Games at 2 pm, Burgers at 4 pm.
Cash bar. Burgers (beef/chicken/veggie), salads and dessert $15 pp (prepay or pay at door). Sign up sheet will be on entrance table, mark your choice, with envelopes for cash or cheque. Please put in the treasurer’s locker with name/amount. Contact Kathy Moi-Barker for further info. (or email Kathy to register).
Light Refreshments will be served as soft Christmas Music plays to begin the countdown to Christmas.
All are welcome!
Cash Bar, 50/50 Draw, Door Prizes
Cost is $20.
Dinner will be served at approximately 4-4:15pm
You must RSVP by signing up at the clubhouse (including number of people) or by emailing Kathy
Cutoff for RSVP is Thursday December 5th at 3pm
Prepay as per instructions in email
Not everyone has to bring dessert but if you do please make a small size.
Lunch and Social – $10 per person.
RSVP to Kathy Moi Barker by Friday March 14th at 5pm.
Irish Potato and Leek Soup and Soda Bread
Tea and Coffee
Live Entertainment
An evening of conversation with Nick Bantock about his experiences and the lessons learned from his life as a best-selling artist and author. Family and friends are welcome. No admission but this is a fundraising event through the sale of signed giclee prints, with all revenues going to the club.