All posts by Petunia

BC Day FUNdraiser

Over fifty VBCC members gathered on BC Day to celebrate our spectacular province and to participate in another FUNdraising event for new signage for the clubhouse. Profit over and above the generous $15 meal cost and a 50/50 draw upped the total dollar amount on the Fundraising Thermometer to exceed well over $1,000.  David F. drew the lucky ticket for a share of the 50/50.

The afternoon started with bowls on the lower green, organized by Chris Jones, and croquet on the upper green. After fun in the sun, everyone lined up outside to fill a bun with one of Chef Peter’s BBQ burgers, then added veggies, condiments and salads to their plates. Topping it off, a fresh-blueberry Sundae—delish!  

If the volume of chatter and laughter was a measure of the day, great FUNdraising was had by all. Special thanks to Lucille for checking people in and selling 50/50 tickets, and to Peter, Kathy and the Kitchen Hospitality Team for the meal prep and cleanup.