All posts by Petunia

AGM 2023

A gratifying turnout of 50 of the club’s 144 members attended this year’s Annual General Meeting, more than enough to satisfy the 20% quorum. The two main items on the agenda were a review of fees and the adoption of our new Constitution and Bylaws.

After discussion, a motion was passed to increase the annual membership fee (including novices) by $10.00 to $260. Duplicate membership was eliminated and social membership increased to $35.00. Coaching fees will remain at $25 to be applied to novice membership.

After more than a year of drafting/redrafting, and ample opportunity for input and review by the membership prior to the AGM, the new Constitution and Bylaws were adopted thus changing the club name from Victoria Lawn Bowling Club to Victoria Bowls and Croquet Club, with its purpose “to promote and safeguard the sports of bowls and croquet.” Subsequent to filing the documents with the corporate registry, we will officially be a two sport club. This marks a milestone in the club’s evolution.

The final item on the agenda was election of the Executive Committee for 2023-24. Thanks to the diligence of the nominating committee, the required 4 officers and 8 directors were elected by acclamation. Their positions as team leaders for running the various aspects of the club will be duly appointed by the Committee.

A special thanks goes to Secretary Michael Shepherd and the Ad Hoc Committee (Brenda Janke, Chris Jones, David Whiting and Shaun Peck) who put so much work into drafting the governance documents and to everyone who contributed to the club’s vibrancy in 2022-23. We look forward to carrying this momentum into the next season.