Croquet Tournaments

2024 Croquet Tournament Schedule

DateTournamentTimeSign up by
Victoria Day Association Tournament8 am-
10 pm
June 15, SatAdvanced Doubles,
choose partner
9am-5pmJune 1
July 9, TuesIntermediate Doubles,
random draw
9am-5pmJune 25
July 27, SatSadie Hawkins Day,
Lady’s choice
9am-5pmJuly 13
Aug 10, SatNovice Doubles, random draw9am-5pmJuly 27
Sept 14, SatAdvanced Singles9am-5pmAug 31

Winner – Rochelle Eveleigh
Winners Robin Duncan and Pierre Dunn

2nd place – Martha Pennock and Lorne Oakes,
3rd place – Donna Del Torre and Peter Rassenti.

Winners – Mike Pennock and Rosemary Verren-Delbridge

See more details on Croquet News

James White, a member of VBCC and of the Saturna Island Croquet Club, accepts his winnings for defeating the other Association Croquet players in the B Flight of the 2024 CroCan national championships. 
Lorne Oakes and Peter Rassenti
Chris Percival-Smith
Rolf Bertsch (left) with Lorne Oakes

See 2023 here Tournament Winners

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