Knut Berg Charity Tournament

In 1994, the club honored long-term VLBC member Knut Berg with a tournament in his name in appreciation of the numerous ways he contributed to the club. It was Knut’s wish that this event be a charity fundraiser. Although Knut has moved away from Victoria, he is fondly remembered by all who knew and bowled with him over the years. Victoria Hospice was again the charity recipient of choice.

Message from Caite Dheere, Victoria Hospice:

Thank you again… Lawn Bowling members who participated in Knut Berg’s annual tournament. What a wonderful community event! It warms our hearts to know how much this tournament means to Knut Berg and your members. Your cumulative giving has amounted to over $10,000, and has made a tremendous impact on patients and their families’ comfort and care….[this year’s] totals amounted to $2,017.

You are all welcome to come visit our garden on the 4th floor, have tea and view the donor recognition wall.

A full contingent of club members turned out for the last event of the season

Sixty+ members and guests came to bowl, play croquet and enjoy a mid-afternoon BBQ. Bowlers filled the upper green, playing a 10-end triples game, with the winning team determined by highest point differential. This year’s winners were Pierre Pomerleau, Mike Pennock and Portia Priegert. See Tournament Winners. Croqueteers put on a colorful display on the lower green.

Following games, the Kitchen Hospitality crew headed by Annie went all out to provide a selection of salads and condiments to accompany Smokies and onions barbecued by Chef Peter G. Members sat inside and out and visited over the much appreciated meal.

A short business meeting followed—its intention to provide members with an opportunity for input or to ask questions about the proposed changes to the club governance documents.

Members invited to provide input on proposed changes to governance documents

A huge thank you goes to club Secretary Michael Shepherd and the Ad Hoc Committee for the hours of work they have put into preparation of the these draft proposed Bylaws and Standing Rules which will be presented for adoption at this year’s AGM on November 12th.