VictoriaLBC members joined Vice-President Brenda Janke and Games Chair Michael Pardaens this year in volunteering at the CFAX Santas Anonymous Society donation table set up in Mayfair Mall. Six members dressed in identifying Club colours/crests paired to take 3 shifts over the day. This activity provided a way for VictoriaLBC to support a very worthwhile cause.
CFAX Santas Anonymous Society is one of Greater Victoria’s longest running children’s charities, working diligently to serve families with children in need.
Each year CFAX Santas Anonymous serves thousands of children and their families…we have reached over 1200 families…delivering thousands of gifts and food hampers to 4,680 people….
Above quotes from CFAX Santas Anonymous

Over the course of the day, the group accepted significant cash donations and six bags of new toys for distribution to families in need by Santas Anonymous at Christmas. Witnessing this generosity was a gratifying and heart -warming experience.

Thank you, Brenda and Michael, for organizing the group. Let’s try to make it an annual event.