This year’s AGM was preceded by a volunteer appreciation lunch. Without member volunteers, Victoria Lawn Bowling Club would not exist. With the exception of a hired clubhouse cleaner and contracted greens keeper/ consultant, every aspect of maintaining greens and grounds, organizing and running games, providing hospitality/running club and BSI tournaments, hosting rentals and other events requires hours and hours of volunteer time.

Following a free hot lunch provided by our dedicated Hospitality Committee, Gopal Gowda presented an overview of the largest event VictoriaLBC has hosted, the Canadian Seniors Triples.
The CST Organizing Committee attended monthly planning meetings for a year leading up to the event. Grants were obtained to improve the greens and grounds. Work started in early spring to replace backboards, replant verges and manicure the greens and grounds into perfect shape for the September games. Additional spruce-up jobs were done: painting outbuildings and benches, removing old concrete-based benches, installing light fixtures in and out, replacing table in men’s locker room with a hand-built bench and coat rack in women’s locker …the list goes on. See also 2022 Volunteers.
Gopal reported that comments and accolades from both Bowls Canada and Bowls BC and participants confirm that the five-day Canadian Seniors Triples “event” (made possible by all our volunteers) was a resounding success. Thank you everyone!

VLBC member John Richardson, the event’s “official” photographer” has compiled and donated a photo book as a momento and gift to the Club. Be sure to look at it!
As with most organizations, a small portion of the membership base step up to volunteer on a regular basis. This year, following a downward slump during Covid, our membership has increased and the facilities are in tip top condition. Consider even the smallest contribution to the running of a member-driven Society such as ours determines its success.
With continued and improved volunteer input, we can look forward to successful and dynamic 2022-23 season.