This Snake in the Grass croquet challenge was hosted by the Oak Bay Bowling Club and took place over two weekends: Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6 and completed on Saturday, March 12.
Four local clubs were represented: Canadian Pacific, Oak Bay, Quimper and Victoria LBC with each club fielding a team of eight players. After the preliminary rounds on the first weekend, the field was narrowed down and on Saturday, March 12, the elimination matches were held with a double knock-out formula.

When the smoke cleared, the final was between Quimper and VLBC. The latter, represented by Ralph Street and Lorne Oakes, emerged victorious to take first prize.

Also, the VLBC eight person team compiled the most points overall and won the top team prize.
Congratulations to all participants and many thanks to the members of the Oak Bay club for their congenial hosting.
Last but not least, a special thank you to the Challenge organizer Pierre Dunn and his ongoing efforts to promote croquet in our community and beyond.
Submitted by Croquet Steering Committee, VLBC