Volunteers Keep Club Going

When our current Executive (Pres. Kathy Moi, VP Barb Marriott, Treas. Carole Wiggins, Secy. Sandy Hodel and Membership Keith Newhouse) were elected to hold office in 2019 they had little idea they would still be holding office into 2021. We thank them for carrying the club through the COVID pandemic. They’ve adapted parameters of play and social participation to enable us to comply with health directives and kept the organization afloat financially.

Under continuing but less stringent COVID guidelines, we are almost back to normal play in both bowls and croquet with draws, league play and tournaments. Our first (outdoor) social event of the summer was not only a celebration of Canada Day but of our emergence from the pandemic alive and well.

And the game is on….

In addition to the Executive, we thank the Committee Heads and those volunteers that come out on a regular basis to keep the greens and grounds in excellent shape and to organize our games.

To find out what members are contributing to the club, see Hail to our Volunteers.